Friday, December 9, 2016

"Hub City Now with Tyrone Tony Reed Jr." Episode 18

In Episode 18, I spoke with Michael Richerson, CEO and founder of Special Needs Athletics, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, under the West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation. SNA was founded on May 14, 2009.

The organization's mission is to provide support and opportunities through various sports for individuals with special needs and their families.

According to Richerson and the SNA's website, "Athletes with special needs from four years of age and older have the opportunity to play organized baseball, basketball, bowling, soccer, and mini golf without the fear of ridicule or steep disadvantage. No one sits the bench in this league. Everyone plays with as much or as little assistance as is necessary. Coaches and volunteer teammates provide on-field assistance by donating their time and hard work to make the program possible."

For more information on Special Needs Athletics or to find out how you can help or donate to the organization, visit, email Richerson at, send a message on or visit

"Hub City Now with Tyrone Tony Reed Jr." is a talk show that features people who are making a difference in the community, organizations that are helping to uplift others and important, everyday topics.

The radio show version of "Hub City Now" airs Sundays at 6 a.m. on JJ 97.7. (For those not in the area, you can also listen to it online at

The show is also available after 5 p.m. Sunday on YouTube.

"Hub City Now with Tyrone Tony Reed Jr." is proudly sponsored by Baskerville Funeral Home, RNR Tires Express & Custom Wheels, Stylz Menswear and the City of Brownsville.

If you or someone you know is interested in being a guest on "Hub City Now with Tyrone Tony Reed Jr." or have a topic or topics you would like to see discussed on the show, please send an email to or leave a message on the Facebook page of "Hub City Now with Tyrone Tony Reed Jr." at